Critical Illness means illness, the signs or symptoms of which first commence more than 90 days following the Issue Date or Commencement Date or the date of any reinstatement of this Contract, whichever is the latest and shall include either the first diagnosis of any of the following illnesses or first performance of any of the covered surgeries stated below:
List of Critical Illnesses covered
1. Cancer of Specified Severity | 2. Myocardial infarction - First heart attack of specific severity | 3. Open Heart Replacement or Repair of Heart Valves |
4. Kidney Failure Requiring Regular Dialysis | 5. Major Organ/ Bone Marrow Transplant | 6. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Open, Keyhole or minimally invasive or Robotic Cardiac CABG) |
7. Multiple Sclerosis with persisting symptoms | 8. Stroke resulting in permanent symptoms | 9. Coma of specific severity |
10. Permanent Paralysis of Limbs | 11. Motor Neuron Disease with Permanent Symptoms | 12. Benign Brain Tumor |
13. Blindness | 14. Deafness | 15. End stage lung failure |
16. End stage liver failure | 17. Loss of Speech | 18. Loss of Limbs |
19. Major Head Trauma | 20. Primary (idiopathic) pulmonary hypertension | 21. Third Degree Burns |
22. Alzheimer's Disease | 23. Aplastic Anaemia | 24. Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease |
25. Parkinson's Disease | 26. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis | 27. Apallic Syndrome |
28. Major Surgery of Aorta | 29. Brain Surgery | 30. Fulminant Viral Hepatitis |
31. Cardiomyopathy | 32. Muscular dystrophy | 33. Poliomyelitis |
34. Pneumonectomy | 35. Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis | 36. Progressive Scledorma |
You can opt for "Waiver of Premium on CI (WOP CI) Option" by paying an additional premium over and above the premium payable for the Life Protect option.
To know more about each critical illness, refer product brochure.
Accident is a sudden, unforeseen and involuntary event caused by external, visible and violent means. Accidental Death means death by or due to a bodily injury caused by an Accident, independent of all other causes of death. Accidental Death must be caused within 180 days of any bodily injury.
"Accidental death" shall mean death:
- which is caused by bodily injury resulting from an accident and
- which occurs due to the said bodily injury solely, directly and independently of any other causes and
- which occurs within 180 days of the occurrence of such accident but before the expiry of the cover and
- is not a result from any of the causes listed in the exclusions for accidental death benefit.
You can opt for "Accidental Death Benefit (ADB) Option" by paying an additional premium over and above the premium payable for the Life Protect option.
For detailed information related to accidental death benefit, read Product Brochure.
You opted 2 Lakhs as sum insured for yourself and you choose spouse, child and father-in-law to be covered under this policy, then the total sum insured for you, your spouse, child and father in law will be 2 Lakhs.
Please add up to 4 family members you want to cover (1 Adult and 3 children max)
- Child should be below the age of 25 and financially dependent
You opted 2 Lakhs as sum insured for yourself and you choose spouse, child and father-in-law to be covered under this policy. Now, while selecting family member, you get option to choose separate sum insured for each member (e.g. 2 Lakh for spouse, 1 Lakh for child, 2 Lakh for father-in-law).
Please add upto 5 family members you want to cover (3 Adults max and 4 children max)
- Child should be below the age of 25 and financially dependent
- You can either choose your parent(s) or your in-law(s), not both.
You opted 10 Lakhs as sum insured for yourself and you choose spouse, child and father-in-law to be covered under this policy, then the total sum insured for you, your spouse, child and father in law will be 10 Lakhs.
Please add up to 9 family members you want to cover (3 Adults and 6 children max)
- Child should be below the age of 25 and financially dependent
You opted 10 Lakhs as sum insured for yourself and you choose spouse, child and father-in-law to be covered under this policy. Now, while selecting family member, you get option to choose separate sum insured for each member (e.g. 5 Lakh for spouse, 10 Lakh for child, 5 Lakh for father-in-law).
Please add up to 11 family members you want to cover (5 Adults and 6 children max)
- Child should be below the age of 25 and financially dependent